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Tree & Shrub Planting

General Information

General information and pictures of most of the trees and shrubs are available at the Indiana Wildlife Federation's website.


You can also check out some examples of native trees and shrubs on our Indiana Native Plant Species page.





What is Naturescaping?  Simply put, it is the concept of landscaping with native plants in harmony with the natural environment of the region it is planted in.


Naturescaping has a number of benefits, both for the home-owner and for the environment.


Human Benefits


  • Saves money

  • Conserves water

  • Minimizes pesticide and fertilizer use

  • Reduces maintenance time


Wildlife Benefits


  • Promotes native species

  • Provides habitat for animals

  • Maintains diversity

  • Fights invasive species


Naturescaping promotes four principles of effective habitat creation


  • Allocate space where animals can live.

  • Plant a variety of native vegetation to provide food and shelter.

  • Provide cover to protect animals and their young from predators and inclement weather.

  • Maintain water sources for drinking and bathing.


Interested individuals are encouraged to talk to their local plant nursery personnel, visit their local library for books on natural landscaping or contact the St. Joseph County Soil and Water Conservation District at 574-936-2024 EXT 4.

Due to declining sales, the board has decided to no longer hold our tree sale.  If you are in need of tree seedlings please visit InDNR or our partner nurseries.  

Why Plant Trees and Shrubs?

Trees provide many benefits for humans, wildlife, and the planet! Explore the many reasons at the Trees Are Good website.


How do I decide what to plant?


The Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society (INPAWS) maintains a list of  books about plants that are native to Indiana.



How much is my tree worth?


The research of the U.S. Forest Service has led to the development of an interesting tool called the “National Tree Benefits Calculator”.  This tool allows you to determine the dollar value of the economic and environmental benefits provided by any tree in your yard.  


First, visit, and you will be asked to enter your zip code so that the calculations can be based on the unique climate and environmental factors in your area. 


Next, you will have a drop down list of 70 different species to choose from.  Simply add the diameter of the tree and the kind of property (residential, commercial, park, etc.), and hit the “Calculate” button. 


Your results include the overall annual dollar contribution of your tree, and the calculator further breaks down  the dollar benefits related to the various services your tree provides to you (storm water retention, energy savings, air quality improvement, property value enhancement, etc.).  

Contact us!
St. Joseph County Soil & Water Conservation District
Plymouth Service Center
2903 Gary Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563
574.936.2024 X 4


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© 6 March 2013 ~ St. Joseph County SWCD The St. Joseph County SWCD and USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Refer to our Civil Rights Statement page for details.

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