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1st Annual
Meet Your Farmer

Watch for details on our
2nd Annual Meet Your Farmer
Coming in Summer 2025!
Follow us on Facebook!

On Thursday, June 27, 2024, we hosted our first Meet Your Farmer gathering at long-time conservation farmer, Scott Laidig's farm, in an effort to bring members of the community together to talk about what's growing and how it impacts the natural resources of St. Joseph County.

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NRCS's Soil Health Tunnel

at the entry

Scott and Sheila Ladig's Farm

District Conservationist, Sarah Longenecker, began the evening with a talk about the benefits of cover crops and the importance of soil health.  With assistance from guests, she did soil health demonstrations that show the distinct difference between healthy and unhealthy soil.

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We next got to hear about Scott and Sheila's journey toward soil health. 


"Six inches of soil feeds the world," stated Scott.

We were pleased to bring a diverse group of community members together! Legislators, large-scale and small-scale farmers, partner organizations, and concerned community members came together to learn about why we care about

What's Going On Under The Covers!

Check out the Meet Your Farmer segment on WNIT's Education Counts!

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Watch our Calendar for the date and topic of

Meet Your Farmer 2025!

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Contact us!
St. Joseph County Soil & Water Conservation District
Plymouth Service Center
2903 Gary Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563
574.936.2024 X 4


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© 6 March 2013 ~ St. Joseph County SWCD The St. Joseph County SWCD and USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Refer to our Civil Rights Statement page for details.

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