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Indiana NRCS Announces an Additional Incentive Program


Indianapolis, IN, November 1, 2021 Jerry Raynor, NRCS State Conservationist for USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Indiana, announced that December 17 will be the first-round funding cutoff date for Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry, a new option available through the Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP).

EQIP is a voluntary conservation program available for agricultural producers. Through EQIP, NRCS provides financial and technical assistance to install conservation practices that reduce soil erosion and sedimentation, improve soil health, improve water, and air quality and create wildlife habitat.

In fiscal year 2022, EQIP is offering a new funding category titled Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry. In Indiana, this funding will target soil health improvements to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, sequester carbon, and ultimately mitigate the impacts of climate change.

“The benefits of climate smart ag and forestry are two-fold,” said Raynor. “Producers improve the health, productivity, resiliency and profitability of their operations while mitigating the impacts of climate change for our entire nation.”

Producers interested in EQIP funding should submit a signed application to the local NRCS field office. While applications are accepted on a continuous basis, interested producers should submit applications to their local NRCS office by December 17 to be considered for this funding period. Participants in EQIP must meet eligibility requirements. NRCS staff will work with producers to determine eligibility and complete necessary worksheets and rankings in order for the applicant to compete for funding.

For more information about EQIP and other technical and financial assistance available through Indiana NRCS conservation programs, visit contact your county’s District Conservationist Deborah Knepp at (574) 936-2024 Ext 4.


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St. Joseph County Soil & Water Conservation District
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