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2016 Conservation Cropping Systems to Improve Soil Health Applications Now Available

Cover Crops

The St. Joseph County Soil and Water Conservation District is working to improve water quality by promoting and providing cost share for practices in the conservation cropping system (no-till, cover crops, nutrient management, and filter strips). The goal of this program is to encourage producers to utilize all aspects of the cropping system which will increase soil health and improve water quality.

The SWCD will cost share practice acres as follows:

  • No-till - $15.00/ acre (max 100 acres per producer/1 year practice lifespan)

  • Cover crops - $20.00/ acre (max 100 acres per producer/1 year practice lifespan)

  • Nutrient management - $20.00/ acre (max 100 acres per producer/1 year practice lifespan)

  • Filter strips - $350.00/ acre (5 year practice lifespan)

Requirements and Limitations

  • The Tract#/Farm# must be physically located within St. Joseph County, IN

  • We will accept applications at any time however, the deadline to be considered for funding in 2016 is April 30, 2016.

  • Instructions in the form of a “Job Sheet” will be issued and the producer will be required to follow the Job Sheet. The producer will also be required to sign a Practice Completion Certification Form, attesting to having followed the Job Sheet. The Job Sheet will be based upon the NRCS FOTG (Field Office Technical Guide).

  • Cost share is subject to funding availability and based upon a competitive point system. Funding will be awarded based upon point rankings. Bills for expenses must be turned in to the St. Joseph County SWCD by December 1, 2016.

  • Funding on wheat and permanent hay cover crops are not eligible.

  • There is no cost share for existing practices.

  • Application must be approved by the St. Joseph County SWCD Board of Supervisors.

  • Practice must be inspected by St. Joseph County SWCD or Designated Representative.

  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to be aware of adverse effects to cropping history requirements for future Farm Bill Program enrollment.

Implementation checklist

  • Read and complete the application, which includes providing the Tract # / Farm # for the location.

  • Return the application and attachments to the St. Joseph County SWCD, 2903 Gary Drive, Plymouth, IN 46563 (by April 30, 2016 if you would like to be eligible for funding in 2016).

  • The St. Joseph County SWCD Board of Supervisors will act on/rank your application.

  • Following approval by the St. Joseph County SWCD Board of Supervisors, you may implement the practice per the Job Sheet provided to you.

  • Report completion to St. Joseph County SWCD per Practice Completion Certification Form by returning the form to the St. Joseph County SWCD by December 1, 2016.

  • Payment will be made after bills/expenses have been turned in to the St. Joseph County SWCD, and after the practice has been inspected in accordance with this agreement. Bills must be provided by December 1, 2016. Payment will be made by December 31, 2016.

To receive an application or further information please contact Sarah Longenecker at 574-936-2024 Ext. 4, or e-mail the office at

Funding for the applications is made possible from a Clean Water Indiana Grant that was awarded to St. Joseph, Marshall & Starke County SWCD’s.

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