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Invasive Species

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The news of Invasive Species is spreading!


What is an Invasive Species?

Invasive species are organisms that are...

not native to the ecosystem.

Garlic Mustard.png

likely to cause economic or environmental harm.

likely to cause harm to human health.


These organisms are the most aggressive of the non-native species introduced in the US and can cause major changes in the areas they inhabit.

Invasive Species have detrimental impacts on our natural areas.


They take over natural areas, destroying habitat for native plants. Invasives alter the habitat of our wildlife and pollinators, eliminating native cover and food. Streams, wetland, and cropland are all bring effected. Removal of invasive species costs billions of dollars each year.


What can you do?

* Learn about what plants are impacting our region. *

* Avoid planting invasive species on your property. *

* Actively work to remove invasive plants. *

If we work together, we can make a dent!


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The St. Joseph/Marshall County Invasive Plant Partnership is a CISMA, or Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area. We work in both counties to engage the community about the need for invasive species control. SMIPP works with partners to address invasive species problems through education events, Weed Wrangles, and more.


We host educational events and workdays through the year. Sign up for our Email Newsletter or follow us on Facebook for dates and other information!

SMIPP Leadership:

Misty Sorchevich, Co-Leader for St. Joseph County

Jodie Overmyer, Co-Leader for Marshall County

Ronda Spaulding, SICIM Regional Specialist for Northwest Indiana

Common Offenders

Here's some of the invasive plants commonly seen in our area with links to more information.

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Japanese Honeysuckle

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Callery Pear

Garlic Mustard

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Multi-Flora Rose



Burning Bush


Japanese Barberry

Chinese Silvergrass

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Learn native alternatives to these popular landscape plants.


Callery Pear

Burning Bush

Japanese Barberry

Chinese Silvergrass

Calendar of Control

A guide to chemical treatment of invasive plants


Impact of Invasive Species


MIPN Guides

Aquatic Invasives

Terrestrial Invasives


Report invasive species or see what's in your region on this site. 



The State of Indiana Cooperative Invasive Management site has valuable information. This link takes you to the Landowners Toolkit.

Contact us!
St. Joseph County Soil & Water Conservation District
Plymouth Service Center
2903 Gary Drive
Plymouth, IN 46563
574.936.2024 X 4


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© 6 March 2013 ~ St. Joseph County SWCD The St. Joseph County SWCD and USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Refer to our Civil Rights Statement page for details.

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